Karma and Luck
April 17, 2019

Celebrating Spring and Easter

By Milica Mitrovic


Spring blossom. The Easter Bunny. Stores filled with colorful Easter eggs, Easter grass, and more. Talk of the cross, Passion week, the resurrection and life found in Christ. Much like Christmas, Easter has become a holiday that has combined both pagan and Christian traditions to make what we know it to be today. Have you ever given thought to what is the real meaning of Easter? How did Easter become this crazy hodgepodge of beliefs and traditions? And, what can this hodgepodge mean for us today? Let’s take a closer look.

Easter Symbols

For people with strong Christian beliefs, the cross that Jesus was crucified on and his resurrection are important symbols of the period around Easter. Other symbols of Easter include real eggs or eggs manufactured from a range of materials, nests, lambs and rabbits or hares. Sometimes these symbols are combined, for example, in candy models of rabbits with nests full of eggs. Eggs, rabbits, hares and young animals are thought to represent the re-birth and return to fertility of nature in the spring.

If you thought Easter was only a Christian festival, it’s worth noting that traditional spring festivals which pre-date Christianity often coincide with the date of the Christian calendar’s Easter. Easter is celebrated around the world in a surprising variety of ways, with traditions different from country to country according to their ethnic and cultural origins.

As it is a religious festival, many of the celebrations linked to Easter are common throughout the Christian world. That said, due to its modern commercial nature, Easter is sometimes celebrated by non-Christians too, while individual countries have developed their own Easter customs as time has gone by. The different cultures began to collide, especially in America, traditions meshed together to create the current holiday we now celebrate.

Like Christmas, Easter in the United States is celebrated in both religious and secular ways. In many communities, the Christian aspect of the holiday, which includes Passion Plays and church services, is combined with visits from the Easter Bunny and hunts for dyed and/or painted Easter eggs. Easter Parades are also common.

The Deeper Meaning and Easter Blessings

The Easter story is rich in powerful contrasts. The contrast is truly astounding! Amazing love! Amazing grace! Truth alive and death defeated forever! Here at Karma and Luck, we have a special collection of wall blessings just to celebrate this joyous holiday. 

What should Easter mean to you? We hope it means more than Easter egg hunts and chocolate Easter bunnies. Whatever you choose to do, it’s a great chance to spend some time with friends or family and celebrate love and good intentions. Whether you will be worshiping Jesus or just enjoying first days of spring, most will agree that Easter still successfully represents hope, new life and an appreciation of those around us. Happy Easter!

We at Karma & Luck share Easter blessings with you and celebrate this multi-cultural holiday in a modern yet meaningful way. Click HERE to explore our collection of Blessings Wall Plaques which will beautifully adorn your wall with these beautiful handmade wood and gemstone chip wall hangings.